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Rising to the Top


Everyone has their ups and downs. But for David, his life is a constant struggle. David is a friend of mine in my hometown. His life is pretty much going nowhere and everything he had going for him is now out of reach. He is 17 years old living in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. He goes to Wilkes Central High School. David grew up poor his whole life but he doesn’t really care, he never does his work in school because he just doesn’t care about getting good grades. When he does do his work or completes a test, the results are mind blowing. He scores the highest grade in the class. He just doesn’t go to class a lot so that is holding him back from being successful in school.

David is so easy to get along with that’s why he is friends with the most popular guy in school, Jackson. They have always known each other and have always been friends.Jackson is a captain of the Golf team at Wilkes Central and has everything going for him.  He is one of the top recruits in the nation and is outstanding in the classroom. Jackson is aware of his struggles and tries to help him in anyway like offering tips and trying to get him on the right path. When Jackson does this, David understands he is trying to help but usually doesn’t listen to him. Things start going on a downward fall, while the first semester is almost to an end.

It was the end of the first semester of David’s senior year and he receives his report card. He got 5 F’s and 3 D’s. Jackson asked what he got and when David told him, he was very disappointed. Jackson wanted better for him because he knew he had major potential and now he isn’t even going to graduate from high school. Once David started to realize he wasn’t graduating from high school he decided to start exploring what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He wanted to find a good skill of his and apply it to his life and make a career out of something, but he needed a job that is legal and a place that will hire a kid that doesn’t have a high school degree.

One day while sitting down thinking about the things he loves. He started thinking and the only thing that kept coming to his mind is his family and money.Money means a lot to David and has always ever since I have known him. He has a big passion for money and he would do whatever he could to get his hands on it. He wanted to find something he can do that is very easy to make money. He started to think about how he could sell things to people. David has always traded and sold things and was actually really good at it. This is what changed his life dramatically  

David could sell anything to anybody. He would go to the store and buy some candy for $3.00 and end up selling it to someone for $6.00. He went from selling small things to big things. He would use all his money to buy one big thing, then sell that item for a greater amount of money. By the time he was 18 and out of high school he had his own bank account with 10,000 dollars all from selling things, and it was all legal. Jackson found out about this and he was really happy for him, because he knew his life could change. He had finally found something he loved and something he could really have a future in. Jackson knew that by the time he was older he could have his own business, because of the quick process he has already completed.

A couple years went by and David was 25 years old. He was sitting down on his couch and realized how successful he had become. He didn’t graduate from high school and was making enough money by himself to support a family and more. He had all the money he ever wanted but he loved selling things. He ended up selling his apartment and wanted to move to New York. He wanted to somehow make it big because he was a great salesman but he wasn’t really known.

In New York after about 3 months, he was becoming well known. He was making it to the news articles and everything. It’s hard to believe he is getting recognized for just selling things, but that is how good he really is at it. He could literally sell anything to anybody. He came out with a book titled “The Guide to Being Successful” by David Walters. .

One evening Jackson went out to the store and saw that book on the shelves. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He forgot all about David, thinking he would become a failure and throw away all his talents. But that night when Jackson saw the book he knew that anything is possible and that it doesn’t matter where you come from, you can be successful.

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